
reverse shuffle merge

static int wrd_count[26]={};static int rem_count[26]={};static int sol_count[26]={};static char sol[10001];string reverseShuffleMerge(string s){    int n = s.size();    int j = 0;    const char* s_chars = s.c_str();        for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++)        wrd_count[s[i]-'a']++;        memcpy(rem_count, wrd_count,26*(sizeof(int)) );        for(int i = 0; i < 26 ; i++)        wrd_count[i]/=2;        char l_char;    int  l_char_indx;        for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--){                l_char = s_chars[i];        l_char_indx = l_char - 'a';        if(i == n-1){            sol[j] = l_char;            j++;            rem_count[l_char_indx]--;            sol_count[l_char_indx]++;            continue;        }                if(sol_count[ l_char_indx ] < wrd_count[l_char_indx]){                        if( l_char >= sol[j-1] ){                sol[j] = l_char;                j++;                rem_count[l_char_indx]--;                sol_count[l_char_indx]++;            }else{                while( j>0 && (l_char < sol[j-1]) && sol_count[sol[j-1]-'a']-1+ rem_count[sol[j-1]-'a'] >= (wrd_count[sol[j-1]-'a'])){                    sol_count[sol[--j]-'a']--;                }                sol[j] = l_char;                j++;                rem_count[l_char_indx]--;                sol_count[l_char_indx]++;            }                    }else{            rem_count[l_char_indx]--;        }            }        sol[j] = '\0';string sol_str(sol);        return sol_str;    }

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