
c++ program to find all lexicographical greatest permutations of string

// C++ program to print the lexicographically 
// greater strings then the given string 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
// Function to print the lexicographically 
// greater strings then the given string 
void print_lexiStrings(string S) 
    // Condition to check if there is no 
    // string which is lexicographically 
    // greater than string S 
    if (!next_permutation(S.begin(), S.end())) 
        cout << "-1"; 
    // Move to the previous permutation 
    prev_permutation(S.begin(), S.end()); 
    // Iterate over all the 
    // lexicographically greater strings 
    while (next_permutation(S.begin(), S.end())) { 
        cout << S << "\n"; 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    string S = "ABC"; 

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