
Find the minimum difference between pairs in a simple path of tree C++

// C++ implementation 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
// An utility function to add an edge in an 
// undirected graph. 
void addEdge(vector<int> v[], 
             int x, 
             int y) 
// A function to print the path between 
// the given pair of nodes. 
void printPath(vector<int> stack) 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < (int)stack.size() - 1; 
         i++) { 
        cout << stack[i] << " -> "; 
    cout << stack[i]; 
// An utility function to do 
// DFS of graph recursively 
// from a given vertex x. 
void DFS(vector<int> v[], 
         bool vis[], 
         int x, 
         int y, 
         vector<int> stack) 
    if (x == y) { 
        // print the path and return on 
        // reaching the destination node 
    vis[x] = true; 
    // A flag variable to keep track 
    // if backtracking is taking place 
    int flag = 0; 
    if (!v[x].empty()) { 
        for (int j = 0; j < v[x].size(); j++) { 
            // if the node is not visited 
            if (vis[v[x][j]] == false) { 
                DFS(v, vis, v[x][j], y, stack); 
                flag = 1; 
    if (flag == 0) { 
        // If backtracking is taking 
        // place then pop 
// A utility function to initialise 
// visited for the node and call 
// DFS function for a given vertex x. 
void DFSCall(int x, 
             int y, 
             vector<int> v[], 
             int n, 
             vector<int> stack) 
    // visited array 
    bool vis[n + 1]; 
    memset(vis, false, sizeof(vis)); 
    // DFS function call 
    DFS(v, vis, x, y, stack); 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    int n = 10; 
    vector<int> v[n], stack; 
    // Vertex numbers should be from 1 to 9. 
    addEdge(v, 1, 2); 
    addEdge(v, 1, 3); 
    addEdge(v, 2, 4); 
    addEdge(v, 2, 5); 
    addEdge(v, 2, 6); 
    addEdge(v, 3, 7); 
    addEdge(v, 3, 8); 
    addEdge(v, 3, 9); 
    // Function Call 
    DFSCall(4, 8, v, n, stack); 
    return 0; 

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