
xstate with context provider

import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { MachineConfig } from 'xstate'
import { assign } from 'xstate/lib/actions'
import { useMachine, TCreateContext } from './use-machine'

type TContext = {
  counter: number

type TSchema = {
  states: {
    Off: {},
    On: {}

type TEvent = {
  type: 'Tick'

const incAction = assign<TContext>(context => ({ counter: context.counter + 1 }))

const machineConfig: MachineConfig<TContext, TSchema, TEvent> = {
  initial: 'Off',
  context: {
    counter: 0
  states: {
    Off: { on: { Tick: { target: 'On', actions: [incAction, 'sideEffect'] } } },
    On: { on: { Tick: { target: 'Off', actions: incAction } } }

type TMachine = TCreateContext<TContext, TSchema, TEvent>

const MachineContext = React.createContext<TMachine>({} as TMachine)

function App() {
  const machine = useMachine<TContext, TSchema, TEvent>(machineConfig, {
    actions: {
      sideEffect: () => console.log('sideEffect')

  function sendTick() {

  return (
    <div className="App">
          backgroundColor: machine.state.matches('Off') ? 'red' : 'yellow'
        {machine.state.matches('Off') ? 'Off' : 'On'}
      <button onClick={sendTick}>Tick</button>
      Pressed: {machine.context.counter} times
      <MachineContext.Provider value={machine}>
        <div className="childs">
          <Child />

function Child() {
  const machine = useContext(MachineContext)
  return (
        Child state: {machine.state.matches('Off') ? 'Off' : 'On'}
      <div>Child count: {machine.context.counter}</div>
      <OtherChild />

function OtherChild() {
  const machine = useContext(MachineContext)

  function sendTick() {
  return (
        OtherChild state: {machine.state.matches('Off') ? 'Off' : 'On'}
      <div>OtherChild count: {machine.context.counter}</div>
      <button onClick={sendTick}>Tick 2</button>

const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)

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