
what is pisano period

# Python 3 program to calculate 
# Fibonacci no. modulo m using 
# Pisano Period 
# Calculate and return Pisano Period 
# The length of a Pisano Period for 
# a given m ranges from 3 to m * m  
def pisanoPeriod(m): 
    previous, current = 0, 1
    for i in range(0, m * m): 
        previous, current \ 
        = current, (previous + current) % m 
        # A Pisano Period starts with 01 
        if (previous == 0 and current == 1): 
            return i + 1
# Calculate Fn mod m  
def fibonacciModulo(n, m): 
    # Getting the period 
    pisano_period = pisanoPeriod(m) 
    # Taking mod of N with  
    # period length 
    n = n % pisano_period 
    previous, current = 0, 1
    if n==0: 
        return 0
    elif n==1: 
        return 1
    for i in range(n-1): 
        previous, current \ 
        = current, previous + current 
    return (current % m) 
# Driver Code 
if __name__ == '__main__':  
    n = 1548276540
    m = 235
    print(fibonacciModulo(n, m)) 

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