
VISUAL basic clarity

Private Sub btnInitialise_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnInitialise.Click
        Dim x, Z As Integer
        ReDim Month(NumMonth, NumFoodIteams)

        NumMonth = CInt(InputBox("Enter number of months."))
        NumFoodIteams = CInt(InputBox("Enter the number of food iteams."))

        grdFoods.Rows = NumMonth + 3
        grdFoods.Cols = NumFoodIteams + 1
        For x = 1 To NumMonth
            PlaceText(x, 0, "Month" & x)
        Next x
        For Z = 1 To NumFoodIteams
            PlaceText(0, Z, "Num of food iteam " & Z)
        Next Z
        PlaceText(NumMonth + 1, 0, "Total")
        PlaceText(NumMonth + 2, 0, "Average")
        PlaceText(0, 1, "Number of food iteams")

    End Sub

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