
telethon get channel id

# Dialogs are the "conversations you have open".
# This method returns a list of Dialog, which
# has the .entity attribute and other information.
dialogs = client.get_dialogs()

# All of these work and do the same.
lonami = client.get_entity('lonami')
lonami = client.get_entity('t.me/lonami')
lonami = client.get_entity('https://telegram.dog/lonami')

# Other kind of entities.
channel = client.get_entity('telegram.me/joinchat/AAAAAEkk2WdoDrB4-Q8-gg')
contact = client.get_entity('+34xxxxxxxxx')
friend  = client.get_entity(friend_id)

# Getting entities through their ID (User, Chat or Channel)
entity = client.get_entity(some_id)

# You can be more explicit about the type for said ID by wrapping
# it inside a Peer instance. This is recommended but not necessary.
from telethon.tl.types import PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel

my_user    = client.get_entity(PeerUser(some_id))
my_chat    = client.get_entity(PeerChat(some_id))
my_channel = client.get_entity(PeerChannel(some_id))

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