
simple mastermind programpython

import random
import os
def clear():
# Function to print the mastermind board
def print_mastermind_board(passcode, guess_codes, guess_flags):
    print("\t      MASTERMIND")
    print("    |", end="")
    for x in passcode:
        print("\t" + x[:3], end="")
    for i in reversed(range(len(guess_codes))):
        print(guess_flags[i][0], guess_flags[i][1], "|")
        print(guess_flags[i][2], guess_flags[i][3], end=" |")
        for x in guess_codes[i]:
            print("\t" + x[:3], end="")
# The Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # List of colors
    colors = ["RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "BLACK", "ORANGE"]
    # Mapping of colors to numbers  
    colors_map = {1:"RED", 2:"GREEN", 3:"YELLOW", 4:"BLUE", 5:"BLACK", 6:"ORANGE"}
    # Randomly selecting a passcode
    passcode = colors[:4]
    # Number of chances for the player
    chances = 8
    # The passcode to be shown to the user
    show_passcode = ['UNK', 'UNK', 'UNK', 'UNK']
    # The codes guessed by the player each turn
    guess_codes = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
    # The clues provided to the player each turn
    guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
    # The current turn
    turn = 0
    # The GAME LOOP
    while turn < chances:
        print("Enter code using numbers.")
        print("1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - YELLOW, 4 - BLUE, 5 - BLACK, 6 - ORANGE")
        print("Example: RED YELLOW ORANGE BLACK ---> 1 3 6 5")
        print_mastermind_board(show_passcode, guess_codes, guess_flags)
        # Accepting the player input 
            code = list(map(int, input("Enter your choice = ").split()))
        except ValueError:
            print("\tWrong choice!! Try again!!")
        # Check if the number of colors nunbers are 4
        if len(code) != 4:
            print("\tWrong choice!! Try again!!")
        # Check if each number entered corresponds to a number
        flag = 0
        for x in code:
            if x > 6 or x < 1:
                flag = 1
        if flag == 1:           
            print("\tWrong choice!! Try again!!")
        # Storing the player input
        for i in range(4):
            guess_codes[turn][i] = colors_map]  
        # Process to apply clues according to the player input  
        dummy_passcode = [x for x in passcode]  
        pos = 0
        # Loop to set up clues for the player move
        for x in code:
            if colors_map[x] in dummy_passcode:
                if code.index(x) == passcode.index(colors_map[x]):
                    guess_flags[turn][pos] = 'R'
                    guess_flags[turn][pos] = 'W'
                pos += 1
        # Check for win condition
        if guess_codes[turn] == passcode:
            print_mastermind_board(passcode, guess_codes, guess_flags)
            print("Congratulations!! YOU WIN!!!!")
        # Update turn   
        turn += 1          
# Check for loss condiiton  
if turn == chances:
    print_mastermind_board(passcode, guess_codes, guess_flags)
    print("YOU LOSE!!! Better luck next time!!!")   

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