
number to write string

# Python program to print a given number in
# words. The program handles numbers 
# from 0 to 9999 
# A function that prints
# given number in words 
def convert_to_words(num):
    # Get number of digits
    # in given number
    l = len(num); 
    # Base cases 
    if (l == 0):
        print("empty string");
    if (l > 4):
        print("Length more than 4 is not supported");
    # The first string is not used, 
    # it is to make array indexing simple 
    single_digits = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", 
                     "four", "five", "six", "seven", 
                     "eight", "nine"];
    # The first string is not used, 
    # it is to make array indexing simple 
    two_digits = ["", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", 
                  "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", 
                  "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen",
    # The first two string are not used,
    # they are to make array indexing simple
    tens_multiple = ["", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
                     "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", 
    tens_power = ["hundred", "thousand"];
    # Used for debugging purpose only 
    print(num, ":", end = " ");
    # For single digit number 
    if (l == 1): 
        print(single_digits[ord(num[0]) - '0']);
    # Iterate while num is not '\0' 
    x = 0;
    while (x < len(num)): 
        # Code path for first 2 digits 
        if (l >= 3):
            if (ord(num[x]) - 48 != 0):
                print(single_digits[ord(num[x]) - 48], 
                                           end = " ");
                print(tens_power[l - 3], end = " "); 
                # here len can be 3 or 4
            l -= 1;
        # Code path for last 2 digits
            # Need to explicitly handle 
            # 10-19. Sum of the two digits
            # is used as index of "two_digits"
            # array of strings 
            if (ord(num[x]) - 48 == 1): 
                sum = (ord(num[x]) - 48 +
                       ord(num[x+1]) - 48);
            # Need to explicitely handle 20 
            elif (ord(num[x]) - 48 == 2 and
                  ord(num[x + 1]) - 48 == 0):
            # Rest of the two digit 
            # numbers i.e., 21 to 99 
                i = ord(num[x]) - 48;
                if(i > 0):
                    print(tens_multiple[i], end = " ");
                    print("", end = "");
                x += 1;
                if(ord(num[x]) - 48 != 0):
                    print(single_digits[ord(num[x]) - 48]);
        x += 1;
# Driver Code
# This code is contributed 
# by Mithun Kumar

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