
handling merge conflict

A conflict arises when more than one commit that has to be merged has some
change in the same place or same line of code. Git will not be able to predict
which change should take. This is a git conflict.
To resolve the conflict in git, edit the files to fix the conflicting changes
and then add the resolved files by running git add. 
After that, to commit the repaired merge, run git commit.
Git remembers that you are in the middle of a merge, 
so it sets the parents of thecommit correctly.
git stash        -- > take my project to temp memory
git pull         -- > pull the project from GitHub to working directory
						(my computer)
git stash pop    -- > take my project to my working directory,     
					fix the conflict and merge the project.
git add .
git commit –m “comment”
git push
git stash        -- > take my project to temp memory
git pull         -- > pull the project from GitHub to working directory
						(my computer)
git stash pop    -- > take my project to my working directory,     
					fix the conflict and merge the project.
git add .
git commit –m “comment”
git push

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