
construct all possible trees from given inorder traversal

# Python program to find binary tree with given  
# inorder traversal 
# Node Structure 
class Node: 
    # Utility to create a new node 
    def __init__(self , item): 
        self.key = item 
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# A utility function to do preorder traversal of BST 
def preorder(root): 
    if root is not None: 
        print root.key, 
# Function for constructing all possible trees with 
# given inorder traversal stored in an array from 
# arr[start] to arr[end]. This function returns a 
# vector of trees. 
def getTrees(arr , start , end): 
    # List to store all possible trees 
    trees = []  
    """ if start > end then subtree will be empty so 
    returning NULL in the list """
    if start > end : 
        return trees 
    """ Iterating through all values from start to end 
        for constructing left and right subtree 
        recursively """
    for i in range(start , end+1): 
        # Constructing left subtree 
        ltrees = getTrees(arr , start , i-1) 
        # Constructing right subtree 
        rtrees = getTrees(arr , i+1 , end) 
        """ Looping through all left and right subtrees  
        and connecting to ith root below"""
        for j in ltrees : 
            for k in rtrees : 
                # Making arr[i]  as root 
                node  = Node(arr[i]) 
                # Connecting left subtree 
                node.left = j   
                # Connecting right subtree 
                node.right = k  
                # Adding this tree to list 
    return trees 
# Driver program to test above function 
inp = [4 , 5, 7] 
n = len(inp) 
trees = getTrees(inp , 0 , n-1) 
print "Preorder traversals of different possible\ 
 Binary Trees are " 
for i in trees : 
    print "" 
# This program is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh(nickzuck_007)

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