
powershell read a list of names frmo a file and red in FOR loop

$Dir2 = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testDir2'
$filenames=Get-Content $Dir2\filenamesnoext.csv
foreach ($filename in $filenames) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir2 -Recurse | ForEach-Object {if($filename -eq $_.BaseName) {Write-Host 'FILE ' $filename ' Ok' -foregroundcolor green; $found=$true;CONTINUE }$found=$false;} -END {if($found -ne $true){ Write-Host 'FILE ' $filename ' missing in the folder' -foregroundcolor red}}
Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir2 -Recurse | ForEach-Object  {$found=$false; foreach ($filename in $filenames) {if($filename -eq $_.BaseName) {Write-Host 'FILE ' $_.BaseName ' was found on the list' -foregroundcolor cyan; $found=$true;BREAK }} if($found -ne $true){ Write-Host 'FILE ' $_.BaseName ' missing on the list of files' -foregroundcolor Magenta} }

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