
setting decimal places in python

# Python code to demonstrate precision 
# and round() 
# initializing value 
a = 3.4536
# using "%" to print value till 2 decimal places  
print ("The value of number till 2 decimal place(using %) is : ",end="") 
print ('%.2f'%a) 
# using format() to print value till 2 decimal places  
print ("The value of number till 2 decimal place(using format()) is : ",end="") 
print ("{0:.2f}".format(a)) 
# using round() to print value till 2 decimal places  
print ("The value of number till 2 decimal place(using round()) is : ",end="") 
print (round(a,2)) 
# Python code to demonstrate ceil(), trunc() 
# and floor() 
# importing "math" for precision function 
import math 
# initializing value 
a = 3.4536
# using trunc() to print integer after truncating  
print ("The integral value of number is : ",end="") 
print (math.trunc(a)) 
# using ceil() to print number after ceiling  
print ("The smallest integer greater than number is : ",end="") 
print (math.ceil(a)) 
# using floor() to print number after flooring  
print ("The greatest integer smaller than number is : ",end="") 
print (math.floor(a)) 

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