
operations in python

# To test if something is larger or equal use '>='
5 >= 10
# Output:
# False
# operations in numbers with python 
a = 15
b = 3
#a and b are not expression because they are at the right side

print(a + b)    # this will add the numbers
print(a - b)    # this will subtract the numbers
print(a * b)    # this will multiply the numbers
print(a / b)    #this will divide the numbers
print(a // b)   #this will gives the reminder after division
# logical and operator
# return first operands if false otherwise second operands

0 and 3
# output = 0
3 and 0 
# output = 0
3 and 5 
# output = 5
x > y is False
x < y is True
x == y is False
x != y is True
x >= y is False
x <= y is True

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