how to hack using python
import hashlib
print("**************PASSWORD CRACKER ******************")
# To check if the password
# found or not.
pass_found = 0
input_hash = input("Enter the hashed password:")
pass_doc = input("\nEnter passwords filename including path(root / home/):")
# trying to open the password file.
pass_file = open(pass_doc, 'r')
print(pass_doc, "is not found.\nPlease give the path of file correctly.")
# comparing the input_hash with the hashes
# of the words in password file,
# and finding password.
for word in pass_file:
# encoding the word into utf-8 format
enc_word = word.encode('utf-8')
# Hasing a word into md5 hash
hash_word = hashlib.md5(enc_word.strip())
# digesting that hash into a hexa decimal value
digest = hash_word.hexdigest()
if digest == input_hash:
# comparing hashes
print("Password found.\nThe password is:", word)
pass_found = 1
# if password is not found.
if not pass_found:
print("Password is not found in the", pass_doc, "file")
print("***************** Thank you **********************")