
fastai fit one cycle restart

# Create a new net if training was interrupted and you had to # restart your Colab sessionlearn = cnn_learner(data, models.<your_model_here>,                     metrics=[accuracy, error_rate])# If you're resuming, only indicating the epoch from which to # resume, indicated by start_epoch=<epoch#> will load the last # saved .pth, it is not necessary to explicitly reload the last # epoch, you only should NOT change the name given in # name=<callback_save_file>: when resuming fast.ai will try # to reload <callback_save_file>_<previous_epoch>.pth# Unfreeze the networklearn.unfreeze()# Use start_epoch=<some_epoch> to resume training...learn.fit_one_cycle(20, max_lr=slice(1e-5,1e-6),                     start_epoch=<next_epoch#>,                    callbacks=[SaveModelCallback(learn,                     every='epoch', monitor='accuracy',                     name=<callback_save_file>)])

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