
classes python

class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age):
    self.name = name
    self.age = age

    def myfunc(self):
      print("Hello my name is " + self.name)

p1 = Person("John", 36)
class MyClass(object):
  def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x
class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age):
    self.name = name
    self.age = age

p1 = Person("John", 36)

p1.age = 40

class Person:#set name of class to call it 
  def __init__(self, name, age):#func set ver
    self.name = name#set name
    self.age = age#set age

    def myfunc(self):#func inside of class 
      print("Hello my name is " + self.name)# code that the func dose

p1 = Person("barry", 50)# setting a ver fo rthe class 
p1.myfunc() #call the func and whitch ver you want it to be with 

class Box(object): #(object) ending not required
  def __init__(self, color, width, height): # Constructor: These parameters will be used upon class calling(Except self)
    self.color = color # self refers to global variables that can only be used throughout the class
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
    self.area = width * height
  def writeAboutBox(self): # self is almost always required for a function in a class, unless you don't want to use any of the global class variables
    print(f"I'm a box with the area of {self.area}, and a color of: {self.color}!")

greenSquare = Box("green", 10, 10) #Creates new square
greenSquare.writeAboutBox() # Calls writeAboutBox function of greenSquare object

class Dog(object):
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

    def speak(self):
        print("Hi I'm ", self.name, 'and I am', self.age, 'Years Old')

JUB0T = Dog('JUB0T', 55)
Friend = Dog('Doge', 10)
# Python program to 
# demonstrate instantiating 
# a class 
class Dog:  
    # A simple class 
    # attribute 
    attr1 = "mamal"
    attr2 = "dog"
    # A sample method   
    def fun(self):  
        print("I'm a", self.attr1) 
        print("I'm a", self.attr2) 
# Driver code 
# Object instantiation 
Rodger = Dog() 
# Accessing class attributes 
# and method through objects 
class Animal(object): # Doesn't need params but put it there anyways.
    def __init__(self, species, price):
        self.species = species # Sets species name
        self.price = price # Sets price of it
    def overview(self): # A function that uses the params of the __init__ function
        print(f"This species is called a {self.species} and the price for it is {self.price}")

class Fish(Animal): # Inherits from Animal
    pass # Don't need to add anything because it's inherited everything from Animal
salmon = Fish("Salmon", "$20") # Make a object from class Fish
salmon.overview() # Run a function with it
dog = Animal("Golden retriever", "$400") # Make a object from class Animal
dog.overview() # Run a function with it
A class is a block of code that holds various functions. Because they
are located inside a class they are named methods but mean the samne
thing. In addition variables that are stored inside a class are named 
attributes. The point of a class is to call the class later allowing you 
to access as many functions or (methods) as you would like with the same
class name. These methods are grouped together under one class name due
to them working in association with eachother in some way.

# To create a simple class:
class Shape:
  	def __init__():
      	print("A new shape has been created!")
    def get_area(self):

# To create a class that uses inheritance and polymorphism
# from another class:
class Rectangle(Shape):
	def __init__(self, height, width): # The constructor
        self.height = height
    	self.width = width

	def get_area(self):
      	return self.height * self.width
class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age):
    self.name = name
    self.age = age

p1 = Person("John", 36)


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