W.L Tay

choromap = go.Figure(data=[data], layout = layout)

import pandas as pd
import io
import plotly.graph_objs as go 
from plotly.offline import plot

# the data is different but it works

txt = """   state   abv ibu id  beer    style   ounces  brewery city
0   AK  25  17  25  25.0    25.0    25  25  25
1   AL  10  9   10  10.0    10.0    10  10  10
2   AR  5   1   5   5.0 5.0 5   5   5
3   AZ  44  24  47  47.0    46.0    47  47  47
4   CA  182 135 183 183.0   183.0   183 183 183
5   CO  250 146 265 265.0   263.0   265 265 265
6   CT  27  6   27  27.0    27.0    27  27  27
7   DC  8   4   8   8.0 8.0 8   8   8
8   DE  1   1   2   2.0 2.0 2   2   2
9   FL  56  37  58  58.0    58.0    58  58  58
10  GA  16  7   16  16.0    16.0    16  16  16

gb_state = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(txt), delim_whitespace=True)

data = dict(type='choropleth',

layout = dict(geo = dict(scope='usa',
                         showlakes= False)

choromap = go.Figure(data=[data], layout=layout)

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