J. M. Becker

text hyperlink unity

// Get link and open page public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData) {    int linkIndex = TMP_TextUtilities.FindIntersectingLink (textMessage, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera);    if (linkIndex == -1)        return;    TMP_LinkInfo linkInfo = textMessage.textInfo.linkInfo[linkIndex];  string selectedLink = linkInfo.GetLinkID();    if (selectedLink != "") {       Debug.LogFormat ("Open link {0}", selectedLink);    Application.OpenURL (selectedLink);            } }
// Check links in text void CheckLinks () {    Regex regx = new Regex ("((http://|https://|www\\.)([A-Z0-9.-:]{1,})\\.[0-9A-Z?;~&#=\\-_\\./]{2,})" , RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);     MatchCollection matches = regx.Matches (textMessage.text);     foreach (Match match in matches)        textMessage.text = textMessage.text.Replace (match.Value, ShortLink(match.Value));       }  // Cut long url string ShortLink (string link) {    string text = link;    int left = 9;       int right = 16;       string cut = "...";      if (link.Length > (left + right + cut.Length))        text = string.Format ("{0}{1}{2}", link.Substring (0, left), cut, link.Substring (link.Length - right, right));    return string.Format("<#7f7fe5><u><link=\"{0}\">{1}</link></u></color>", link, text); }

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