
angular @Input()

/* @Input()
- @Input is used in the child component to indicate that the 
  component can receive its value from the parent component

// Parent component
    template: `<app-item-detail [item]='currentItem'></app-item-detail>`
export class AppComponent {
    currentItem = 'Television';

/* Parent Component Notes
- `<app-item-detail [item]='currentItem'></app-item-detail>`
- `<app-item-detail><app-item-detail> is the child selector
- [item] is the target. It has to be the same as the @Input in the child class
- currentItem is the source property from the parent

// Child Component
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';

    template: `
                <p>Today's Item: {{ item }}

export class ItemDetailComponent {
    @Input() item: string; //decorate the property with @Input()
    @Input('alias name') item: string;
    // the type of the @input can be of any type

/* Child Component Notes
- `@Input item: string` indicates that the child component
   will take the value from the parent component
@Output() changeValue = new EventEmitter();
//passing properties to child elements
<app-slider [title]="'This is a title'"> </app-slider>

//inside the component slider i add just before the constructor :
@input() title: string;

//after this we can use these new property inside the .html file of the component
<div id='slider' class='slider-big'>
  <h1> {{title}}</h1>



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