Arnar F.

how to convert cell column value to integer in java

// C++ program to find Excel 
// column name from a given 
// column number 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
#define MAX 50 
using namespace std; 
// Function to print Excel column name for a given column number 
void printString(int n) 
    char str[MAX]; // To store result (Excel column name) 
    int i = 0; // To store current index in str which is result 
    while (n > 0) { 
        // Find remainder 
        int rem = n % 26; 
        // If remainder is 0, then a 'Z' must be there in output 
        if (rem == 0) { 
            str[i++] = 'Z'; 
            n = (n / 26) - 1; 
        else // If remainder is non-zero 
            str[i++] = (rem - 1) + 'A'; 
            n = n / 26; 
    str[i] = '\0'; 
    // Reverse the string and print result 
    reverse(str, str + strlen(str)); 
    cout << str << endl; 
// Driver program to test above function 
int main() 
    return 0; 

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