
C# delegate

    using System;

	public class CargoAircraft
      	// Create a delegate type (no return no arguments)
        public delegate void CheckQuantity();
		// Create an instance of the delegate type
        public CheckQuantity ProcessQuantity;

        public void ProcessRequirements()
          // Call the instance delegate
          // Will invoke all methods mapped

    public class CargoCounter
        public void CountQuantity() { }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CargoAircraft cargo = new CargoAircraft();
            CargoCounter cargoCounter = new CargoCounter();
          	// Map a method to the created delegate
            cargo.ProcessQuantity += cargoCounter.CountQuantity;
          	// Will call instance delegate invoking mapped methods
// Create the Delgate method.
public delegate void Del(string message);

// Create a method for a delgate.
public static void DelegateMethod(string message)

// Instatiate the delegate.
Del hadler = DelegateMethod;

// Call the delegate.
hadler("Hello World");

// Output
// Hello World
using System;
namespace MVC
    public class Book
        // declare a delegate for the bookpricechanged event
        public delegate void BookPriceChangedHandler(objectsender,
        BookPriceChangedEventArgs e);
        // declare the bookpricechanged event using the bookpricechangeddelegate
        public event BookPriceChangedHandlerBookPriceChanged;
        // instance variable for book price
        object _bookPrice;
        // property for book price
        public object BookPrice
                // set the instance variable
                // the price changed so fire the event!
        // method to fire price canged event delegate with proper name
        // this is the method our observers should be implenting!
        protected void OnBookPriceChanged()
            BookPriceChanged(this, new BookPriceChangedEventArgs(_bookPrice));

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