function pointer c
#include <stdio.h>
// A normal function with an int parameter
// and void return type
void foo(int a) {
printf("foo: Value of a is %d\n", a);
int add(int a, int b) {
return a+b;
// Take function as argument
void baz(void (*fun)(int), int arg) {
// call fun
printf("baz: Calling func pointer with arg %d\n", arg);
int main() {
// Create pointers
void (*fun_a)(int) = &foo;
void (*fun_b)(int) = foo; // & removed
int (*fun_c)(int, int) = add;
(*fun_a)(10); // If you have the address, use *
fun_b(10); // * removed
printf("fun_c(10, 20) = %d\n", fun_c(10,20));
baz(foo, 10);
// output:
// foo: Value of a is 10
// foo: Value of a is 10
// fun_c(10, 20) = 30
// baz: Calling func pointer with arg 10
// foo: Value of a is 10
return 0;
//Declaration of a pointer to a function that acccepts an integer
//and also returns an integer.
int (*f_ptr)(int);
//Assignment of a function foo to the function pointer f_ptr declared above.
f_ptr = foo;
//Calling foo indirectly via f_ptr, passing the return value of foo to r.
int r = f_ptr(v);
//Assigning an address of a function to the function pointer f_ptr,
//then calling foo by dereferencing the function pointer.
f_ptr = &foo;
int r = (*f_ptr)(v);